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The Fifteenth International Bibliological Conference

The Fifteenth International Bibliological Conference
Other events
April 4–5, 2019

We invite you to participate in the Fifteenth International Bibliological Conference, which is to be held at the National Library of Belarus, on April 4–5, 2019.

The anniversary Fifteenth Bibliological Conference is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Bibliology Research Department of the National Library of Belarus. The conference will analyze the scientific achievements of the Department and talk about people who gained the deserved credibility for the Department. Definitely, the activities and fruitful work of many members of the Department have contributed to the establishment and development of the distinctive national school of the book studies.

The theme of the conference will be diverse, with a constant focus on the Belarusian book culture and understanding of its phenomenon in the international context. As usual, conference topics of interest include questions on the manuscript and printed book culture from the antiquity to the modern development tendencies.

Topics of interest:

  • The Bibliology Research Department of the National Library of Belarus: traditions and achievements.
  • Contemporary bibliological schools, studies and concepts.
  • The role of a person in the creation and development of the Belarusian book studies.
  • Belarusian manuscripts.
  • Belarusian manuscripts and printed books in the domestic and foreign collections.
  • Belarusian printing houses of the 16th–18th centuries.
  • The Belarusian book of the 19th–20th centuries.
  • Historic libraries and the development of librarianship in Belarus.
  • Art design of manuscripts and printed books.
  • Bibliographic record of prominent Belarusian books.
  • The modern Belarusian book.
  • The book in the contemporary social, culture and information environment.

Working languages: Belarusian, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, English.

Accommodation, meals and transportation expenses are covered by the conference participants.

Call for papers:

The set of conference papers is projected for publication. We accept original papers of scientific and applied value in Belarusian, Russian and English. The organizing committee is authorized to select papers for reading at the conference and articles for publication. Please submit your paper by e-mails and no later than March 1, 2019.

Format requirements for papers:

  1. The author’s/coauthor’s full name, surname, patronymic (if any), the full name of the organization, city, country; the full name, surname, patronymic (if any) of a person who will present the paper at the conference, the title of the paper.
  2. The paper with the annotation, drawings and addendums should be up to 6 pages, format А4, Times New Roman, type size 13, 1.5 line spacing, file type DOC or RTF (Microsoft Word).
  3. The reference list after the main body of your paper should be ordered alphabetically. The references in square brackets should be at the end of the sentence, for example [3, p. 15].
  4. The summary in Russian and English should be up to 400 symbols (including spaces).


Tacciana Sapieha
Tel.: +375 17 293 27 82, +375 44 579 39 07

Kseniya Susha
Tel.: +375 17 293 27 83


Penetrating into the secrets of creativity


The jubilee book exhibition "Penetrating into the secrets of creativity”, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of literary critic, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Vasily Vasily Borisenko (1904–1984), takes place from April 25 to June 23 in the Belarusian Literature reading room (room 205).

Singer of Endless Love


The jubilee book exhibition "Singer of Endless Love", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Charles Aznavour (1924–2018), takes place from April 25 to June 18 in the musical and audiovisual documents reading room (room 305).

Intellectual property: the 21st century


From April 23 to May 28, the book exhibition "Intellectual Property: the XXI Century" dedicated to the International Intellectual Property Day is open in the Documents of International Organizations reading room (room 207g).

Connoisseur of Belarusian Antiquities


April 18, 2024 marks the 210th anniversary of the birth of Yevstafiy Tyshkevich, a famous archaeologist, historian, ethnographer, local historian and museologist. His research has raised whole layers of the historical past, he was one of the first Belarusian authors of local lore. To mark the anniversary of the scientist, an exhibition "Connoisseur of Belarusian Antiquities" has been organized in the Book Museum of the National Library of Belarus.

A Look into Eternity


Anniversary book exhibition "A Look into Eternity", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Belarusian scientist, literary critic Vladimir Mikhailovich Konon (1934–2011), takes place from April 23 to May 20 in the Belarusian Literature reading room (room 205).

"Soldier's Fate": on the 100th anniversary of Vasil Bykov and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders


This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the People's writer of Belarus, publicist and screenwriter Vasil Vladimirovich Bykov.
On this occasion, the National Library has prepared an anniversary exhibition "Soldier's fate", which highlights the great influence on the work of the Belarusian writer of his participation in the Great Patriotic War.

Triumph of Style: Art Nouveau


The book and illustrative thematic exhibition "Triumph of Style: Art Nouveau" takes place from April 19 to May 20 in the Fine Arts reading room (room 306).