MainEventsEventsThe Orthodoxy in the Legal Environment of the State: the 1030th Anniversary of the Christianization of Russia
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The Orthodoxy in the Legal Environment of the State: the 1030th Anniversary of the Christianization of Russia

The Orthodoxy in the Legal Environment of the State: the 1030th Anniversary of the Christianization of Russia
Other events
From May 29 to August 27
Legal Information reading room (207b)

A thematic exhibition “The Orthodoxy in the Legal Environment of the State: the 1030th Anniversary of the Christianization of Russia” runs in the Legal Information reading Room (207b), from May 29 to August 27.

Each person, as a God’s creature, is endowed with dignity and freedom. Human rights, the rule of law, democracy – all these values were born in the depths of Christian civilization. Having desacralized secular power, Christianity made any earthly authority relative. The human conscience, the desire of the individual for good and truth became the basic standard of life for the state and society. Many citizens of Christian countries may lose faith, but nevertheless continue to live according to the values that Christianity gave them. Freedom of conscience is a central, core principle, which is the foundation of not only human rights and freedoms, but also of public safety and respect for the individual. Many of our compatriots paid dearly for us to have this precious gift – freedom of outlook.

Belarus, being between East and West, throughout history has been the subject of rivalry and dispute of different religions. The modern model of state-confessional relations in our country is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations" and other legal acts, taking into account the experience of other countries and the historical experience of the Belarusian people. All these documents are the basis of the legal framework that ensures freedom of conscience and religion of every citizen. In our country an attempt is made to apply international experience in a comprehensive manner, when the state and the Church act as partners in solving urgent problems in socially significant areas of life.

Over the past decades, the religious and ethnic self-awareness of the nation has increased significantly, and the confessional factor has begun to play a significant role in the socio-political life of society. Today the Belarusian people associates spiritual stability, order and the revival of historical traditions with religion.

Consequently, the national, educational, cultural and religious policies of the state should be aimed at forming an appropriate worldview based on traditional Christian values, so that all the best that was created by our culture in the past will be handed down to our children.

The exhibition is designed for researchers, lawyers, theologians, university teachers and students in religious law, practicing lawyers and everyone who is interested in the questions of freedom of consciousness in our country.

More than 80 publications are on display: books, brochures and periodicals.

The exhibition includes the thematic sections as follow:

  • The Orthodox Church as part of the interaction system between the state and society in the Russian Empire
  • The main fields of activity of the Soviet state concerning the Orthodox Church in the BSSR
  • Dynamics of interaction between the state and Church in Belarus in the post-Soviet period
  • Constitutional and legal foundations of religious freedom in the Republic of Belarus
  • Religious values as part of the ideology of modern Belarus
  • The role of religious factor in the question of national security of the Republic of Belarus
  • Legal regulation of the activity of religious organizations in Belarus
  • The interaction of religious and legal rules in legislation
  • The impact of church and religious rules on the development of criminal law
  • Religion and education in the Republic of Belarus
  • The right of parents to religious education of children

The opening hours of the exhibition corresponds to the library’s opening hours.

Entrance to the exhibition is available by the library ticket or ticket of the library's social and cultural center.

For more info: (+375 17) 293 27 28.

Literature List


Happiness to see


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