MainServicesSocial and cultural servicesProgramme "On a Visit to the Books"Lessons in the MuseumMultireligious Belarus

Multireligious Belarus

For pupils of 4–11 grades.

The lesson is dedicated to the believing and religious traditions of the Belarusian multi-confessional culture. First, children will watch a presentation and a lecture about the pagan world perception, spread of Christianity on the Belarusian lands, about the existence of different religions, which became the historical basis for the tradition of tolerance of the Belarusians, and the existence of the multi-confessional country. Then, a special attention will be paid to religious books. After the talk, children will identify book monuments, which belong to different confessional traditions, in the Museum exposition. Pupils will be offered to become for this time museum workers and tell about religious books, which are displayed in the Museum.

The lesson includes creative tasks.