MainServicesSocial and cultural servicesExhibitionsBook exhibitionsExhibitions 2009October


Users get access to subject lists of literature displayed at the Library exhibitions. The lists are accessible to users in all reading rooms at any workbench.



September 21st –
October 10th
September 1st –October 10th
(3rd floor, room 305)
September 15th –
October 12th
October 13th–26th
October 20th – November 9th “Harmony of the feeling and the word”: to the 70th anniversary of literary critic and poet Nicolay Mischenchuk
October 27th –November 9th
“Thought and word”: to the 100th anniversary of writer, scenario writer, translator, honored artist of Belarus Maxim Luzhanin (1909–2001)
October 14th –November 30th
(3rd floor, room 305)
October 19th –
October 26th
“The talented historian, the outstanding researcher”: to the 70th anniversary of scientist-historian Vladimir Novitsky


September 10th – October 6th
(September 17th) Third floor, circular passage
September 10th –
October 15th
(September 17th)
Third floor, circular passage
August 26th –
October 15th
Third floor, circular passage
July 1st –
October 12th
June 10th –
October 6th
“Byelovyezhsky miracle”: to the 600th anniversary of the National Park of Belarus
Third floor, circular passage
September 15th –
October 31st
Second floor, circular passage
September 10th –
October 8

Second floor, circular passage

September 1st –
October 30
Periodicals reading room
(lobby, 1st floor, room 106)
September 14th –
October 15th
Lobby, second floor, room 207
October 15th –November 2nd
October 9th –November 30th Second floor, circular passage
October 16th –November 30th Third floor, circular passage
October 8th –November 30th Third floor, circular passage
October 30th – November 30th
“October 1917”: to the Day of the October Revolution (November 7th)
Third floor, circular passage
October 16th –November 16th Lobby, second floor, room 207
October 1st –November 8th