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Rimma Chigiryova, a Bibliographer, Library Scientist and Local Historian

Rimma Chigiryova, a Bibliographer, Library Scientist and Local Historian
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On October 2, 2009, is the 75th anniversary of the birth of Rimma Chigiryova, a highly qualified specialist of the National Library of Belarus, famous bibliographer, local historian an active public figure.

Rimma Chigiryova was born in 1934 in Moscow, in a family of railway workers. After World War II, her father was assigned to the Belarusian Railway, and since 1948 the Chigiryov family had moved to Minsk. After graduating from high school in 1952, Rimma Chigiryova entered the Belarusian State University at the Faculty of Geology and Geography. During her studies, she was engaged in various student scientific circles, and was a winner of student sports and athletics competitions in rhythmic gymnastics.

After graduating from university in 1957, she was appointed a teacher of geography in the Kholopenichi District of the Minsk Region, but a year later, for family reasons, returned to Minsk. In 1961, Rimma Chigiryova was hired by the Lenin State Library of the BSSR. While working in the library, she graduated from the Higher Library Courses and the Philosophy Department of the University of Marxism-Leninism at the Minsk City Committee of the Communist Party of Byelorussia.

While working in the library, Mrs. Chigiryova proved herself to be a highly qualified specialist, fluent in all types of library work. Her good knowledge of local history and wide erudition were helpful in organizing and maintaining file cabinets, serving readers, and also in creating bibliographic manuals.

The bibliographic index In the Vastness of Belarus (in Belarusian: На прасторах Беларусі) (Минск, 1968), co-authored with Rimma Chigiryova, was highly praised by the library community. Later, she co-authored a number of bibliographic indexes: “Byelorussia in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union (1941-1945) (in Belarusian: Беларуская ССР у Вялікай Айчыннай вайне Савецкага Саюза (1941–1945) (1980); Archaeology of Byelorussia (in Russian: Археология Белоруссии) (1988); Chernobyl (in Belarusian: Чарнобыль) (1991); Publicationa of the Lenin State Library of the BSSR, 1986–1990 (in Belarusian: Выданні Дзяржаўнай бібліятэкі БССР імя У. І. Леніна, 1986–1990) (1991); Literature on the History of Belarus, 1990 (in Belarusian: Новая літаратура па гісторыі і гістарычных навуках Беларусі, 1990) (1992) and more.


Good theoretical training in the field of local history involved participation in research work. Rimma Chigiryova linked her scientific interests primarily with the study of Belarusian bibliography and local history. She is the author of scientific articles, works on Belarusian bibliography, regional studies and librarianship.


Mrs. Chigiryova took an active part in the scientific and methodological activities of the National Library of Belarus. She prepared numerous methodological and bibliographic guides: City Libraries for Local History (in Belarusian: Краязнаўчая работа гарадскіх бібліятэк) (1972), Know and Love Your Land (in Russian: Знай и люби свой край) (1979), Underused Literature in Libraries and the Depository Storage System (in Russian: Работа библиотек с малоиспользуемой литературой в условиях внедрения системы депозитарного хранения) (1983), Libraries for Local History (in Belarusian: Краязнаўчая дзейнасць бібліятэк) (1994). As part of the scientific and methodological work, she prepared numerous speeches and peer-reviews, and also provided practical assistance to local library staff.


For forty-one years of work at the National Library of Belarus, Rimma Chigiryova has been promoted from a librarian to a department head. She was distinguished by the highest professionalism, exclusive responsibility and willingness to share knowledge. Being a creative and proactive person, she did a lot of public work in the library and led amateur clubs.


For a significant contribution to the development of Belarusian bibliography and active social activity, Rimma Chigiryova has been repeatedly awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Culture of the BSSR and the Trade Union of Cultural Workers. She is also a holder of the Veteran of Labor medal.


Today Rimma Chigiryova is in retirement. She is an honorary member of the staff of the National Library of Belarus, remaining one of its most respected and well-known employees. Mrs. Chigiryova’s proceedings are still in demand by specialists, and her professional activities are studied at the country’s educational institutions.


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National Library of Belarus News