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Together cope with trouble!

Together cope with trouble!
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From 9 August to 4 September, an exhibition "Together cope with trouble!" dedicated to World Humanitarian Day runs in the Documents of International Organizations Reading Room (room 207g).

This Day has been proclaimed at the 63rd session of the UN General Assembly in December, 2008 (resolution A/RES/63/139) and since then it is annually celebrated on 19 August. The Day was designated to coincide with the anniversary of 19 August, 2003 when the UN headquarters in Baghdad underwent a terrorist offense as a consequence of which 22 people, including the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General Sergio Vieira de Mello, were killed.

World Humanitarian Day honours those, who have lost their lives in humanitarian service and those, who continue to bring assistance and relief to millions. The Day also seeks to draw attention to humanitarian needs worldwide and the importance of international cooperation in meeting these needs.

Every year, crises, disasters and catastrophes cause damage in our world. And it is always when there are the injured and people in need, there are also people who help them, try to alleviate their suffering and bring hope. From Japan to Sudan, from Pakistan to the Horn of Africa humanitarian aid workers help people who has lost their homes, family and sources of income.

Humanitarian aid workers are often obliged to work in extremely dangerous situations far from home. They work tirelessly in the most difficult conditions. Their efforts save lives in situations of conflicts and natural disasters. Their actions bring together all people worldwide, remind us that we are all members of one family and dream about the same peace in the world where all can live in safety and with dignity.

Last decade humanitarian community became more quickly and effectively reacts to crises and disasters caused by natural or human factors, and foresee them. And that is due to work of many thousands of people who choose to work in the field of humanitarian aid. Their work vividly shows that help to people in need should and can be provided regardless of their place of residence, nationality, social class, religion, gender, race, or any other signs. Humanitarian aid is based on a number of founding principles, including humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence.

Despite notable achievements in the field of humanitarian operations, the difficulties faced by millions of people worldwide are still considerable and the need for effective humanitarian actions has never been greater. Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and devastating. Many civilians still live under the burden of long-term debilitating conflicts. The international humanitarian community day-to-day faces new threats: climate change, constant poverty, food and financial crises, the lack of water and energy, migration, population growth, urbanization, pandemics.

Severe consequences of armed conflicts led to establishment and development of a separate branch of international law – international humanitarian law aimed at reducing the scourge of war, assistance to victims and the humanization of war.

This thematic book exhibition shows various aspects of international cooperation in the field of humanitarian aid. The exposition contains about 60 publications: publications of foreign and domestic authors, documents of international organizations in the Russian and English languages.

The exhibition includes the following sections:

  • International organizations that provide humanitarian aid.
  • International experience of humanitarian aid.
  • International Humanitarian Law.
  • The Chernobyl disaster and the international aid.

The exhibition is designed to the practitioners and scientific workers, teachers, students, and anyone interested in questions of international law and international relations.

 Contact telephone: (+375 17) 293 27 34.

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