MainNewsBook exhibitions
The mysterious strength of flowers
The light of a March word

The mysterious strength of flowers: flowers in fine arts

The mysterious strength of flowers: flowers in fine arts
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From 7th March to 1st April, the exhibition “The mysterious strength of flowers” runs in the Visual materials reading room (room 307).

Flowers in painting is a bright and tempting kaleidoscope of paints and shades. Rich and expressive flora with its combinations of fantastical forms and a colorful palette long since has found reflection in painting, inspiring artists to create masterpieces where flowers are main “characters”

Magnificent, luxurious bouquets of garden flowers placed in precious vases, or compositions of modest field florets with fruits invariable give pleasure, captivate with the harmony of forms and contents, bring positive emotions.

The exhibition presents reproductions of works by eminent artists. Among them there are “Roses” by K. Korovin, “Flowers and Fruits” by I. Khrutsky, “Large Vase of Flowers” by A. Renoir, “Women in the Garden” by C. Monet etc.

The exposition includes about 150 documents: postcards, reproductions, calendars, albums, books, journals.

We invite all visitors of the Library to enjoy this flower holiday.

Contact phone number: (+375 17) 293 27 58.


"Soldier's Fate": on the 100th anniversary of Vasil Bykov and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders

18 Apr 2024

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the People's writer of Belarus, publicist and screenwriter Vasil Vladimirovich Bykov.
On this occasion, the National Library has prepared an anniversary exhibition "Soldier's fate", which highlights the great influence on the work of the Belarusian writer of his participation in the Great Patriotic War.

Book exhibitions

Document Restoration: Conservatism and Innovation – 2024

17 Apr 2024

On April 8-12 the VII International Scientific and Practical Seminar "Document Restoration: Conservatism and Innovation - 2024" was held at the Russian State Library. This is the largest professional forum, the main task of which is to exchange experience and improve the skills of restorers and curators of museum, library and archival collections from different countries.

National Library of Belarus News