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The Best Books of Belarus

The Best Books of Belarus
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The illustrative-book exhibition The Best Books of Belarus according to the results of the LVI National contest The Art of the Book has been opened in the Library (3rd floor, circular corridor) since February 24.

The book has been a symbol of the Enlightenment, a reflection of time and culture, epoch and style, an object with historical and art value. The printed book embodies a unique unity of word and image – the work of a writer and an artist. The concept of the decoration, the format of edition, type style and type size, number and techniques of illustrations, the system of text and illustrations combination, decorations, types and sorts of paper, cardboard, cloth and other materials are created and chosen individually.

The National contest “The art of books” is aimed at improvement of art and printing culture of Belarusian books, development of national book art, popularizing of the best editorial projects.

The annual exhibition of the National Library The Best Books of Belarus presents editions-winners and laureates of the first and second degrees, which are placed according to the nominations of the LVI National contest The Art of the Book:

“Triumph”Grand prize – a multi-volume facsimile edition Book heritage of Francysk Skaryna (National Library of Belarus)

“The first printed” (to the 500th anniversary of Belarusian book printing) – edition Францыск Скарына. Са слаўнага горада Полацка (Мастацкая літаратура);

“Spirituality” – edition Спасская церковь Евфросиниевского монастыря в Полоцке (Spas nunnery in Polotsk);

“For the contribution to spiritual heritage preservation” – book Песні пакінутых вёсак (Беловагрупп);

“Golden tablets” – encyclopedic reference book with audioapp Беларускія народныя музычныя інструменты = Belarusian folk musical instruments (Belarusian encyclopedia n.a. P. Brovka);

“In the mirror of time” – book Militsiya of Belarus: 100 years on guard of law, people, Fatherland (Publishing house “Belarus”);

“Lit-format” – winner is not determined;

“Photolook” – album in anticipation of the 950th anniversary of Minsk Minsk. Nezavisimosti avenue (Беловагрупп);

“Essense of things” (for contribution to material heritage preservation) – reference book Тутэйшы дызайн. Асобы. Рэчы (Belarusian Union of designers);

“ART-book” – edition Беларускі нацюрморт. 1960–2010 by A. Zinkevich (Belarusian State Academy of Arts);

“Eureka” – scientific edition Битва у Нарочи, 1916. Немецкие источники о русском весеннем наступлении (Полиграфика);

“We grow together with books” – book Чаму вожык не стрыжэцца? By A. Pismenkov (Мастацкая літаратура);

“Textbook of a new century” – guidebook for teachers Geographic Atlas of a Teacher (Белкартография);

“Commonwealth” – illustrative edition Франциск Скорина – человек мира by A. Susha (Belarusian encyclopedia n.a. P. Brovka).

Belarusian illustrated books of the 21st century have an author’s accomplishment – an artist becomes a co-author of the book. He imagines, improvises with the literary material, has his own perception concerning the main heroes. The work of an artist, designer and illustrator over the book made on a high art level turns it into a masterpiece.

An artist Pavel Tatarnikov won in the nomination “The best illustrator” and “The best book designer” for his cycle of illustrations to the book by V. Orlov Айчына: маляўнічая гісторыя. Ад Рагнеды да Касцюшкі (Technology) and Denis Romaniuk for the design of books Чарнобыль, Беларускія народныя строі, Беларусь сінявокая, Беларускія народныя крыжы, Мой шлях Беларусь, Игорь Бархатков (Belarusian Union of Designers).

The exhibition is open till August 30.


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April 22–28, 1944. 19 weeks before Liberation

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Reading newspaper lines with your heart. To the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders