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Enchanted by Polesye

Enchanted by Polesye
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The exhibition “Enchanted by Polesye” dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Belarusian prosaic and playwright Georgy Marchuk has been organized since January 2 till February 15 in the Belarusian literature reading room (205).

The author reflects the life of Belarusian province, worldview of fellow countrymen from Polesye with their original temper, Polesye itself, the river Goryn. The works can be characterized by psychologism, phylosophicity, confession, and dynamics of narration.

Editions presented in the exposition reveal many sides and genres of Marchuk’s works. These are Пеўчыя 1941 года (2014), comedies Вясёлыя, бедныя, багатыя (1998), tragedies Менелай, Елена и Парис, Орест и Кассандра (2003), novels and stories Прызнанне ў забойстве (1985), Без ангелаў (1993), Кветкі правінцыі (2004), Крык на хутары (2013), Вочы і сон (2015), Сава Дым і яго жанчыны (2016), novels Урсула (2003), Ласточки над Горынью (2013), Давид-Городокские каноны (2015), aphorisms Голас і слова (2002), scenarios Письмо Феллини (2009), diaries, essays, etc. His works are translated into many languages.

Marchuk also writes for children. The exposition offers fairy tales Жылі-былі дзед Васільчык і баба Кацярына (1987), Дзікая груша (2000), Нестерка (2010), Доброе сердце: 50 сказок (2012), Приключения Агапки и кота Фокуса (2015), tales, plays and novels Чужое багацце (2012), tales-plays Агапка, Арцёмка і злы Воўк (2016), etc.

Materials about life and work of the author, literary articles, reviews, interviews with the writer are included in the exhibition as well.

Contact phone: (+375 17) 293 27 16.


Document Restoration: Conservatism and Innovation – 2024

17 Apr 2024

On April 8-12 the VII International Scientific and Practical Seminar "Document Restoration: Conservatism and Innovation - 2024" was held at the Russian State Library. This is the largest professional forum, the main task of which is to exchange experience and improve the skills of restorers and curators of museum, library and archival collections from different countries.

National Library of Belarus News