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N. Churkin

Nikolay Churkin
(21(09).05.1869 – 27.12.1964)

Composer, folklorist, one of the founders of the Belarusian professional music. People's Artist of the BSSR (1949).

He was born in the village of Jalal-Ogly, Tiflis Province, Russian Empire (currently Stepanavan, Republic of Armenia).

Nikolay Churkin in the UNESCO Calendar:

1969 – 100th anniversary of the birth

UNESCO documents:

Празднование годовщин великих людей и событий : резолюция 14 C/4.35 // Акты Генеральной конференции, 14-я сессия, Париж, 1966 г. : в 3 т. / Орг. Объед. Наций по вопр. образования, науки и культуры. – Париж, 1967–1968. – Т. 1 : Резолюции. – 1967. – С. 81.

Anniversaries of great personalities and events (1969–1970) : COM/MD/4 Rev. / UNESCO. – Paris, 1968. – 13 p.