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Title: Город Слуцк.

Author: Glebov, A. Ivan.

Place and date of issue: Vilnia: Типография «Русский почин», 1904.

Annotation: Ivan A. Glebov (1864 - ) was a professor, historian. The article examines the historical past of Slutsk, starting from the ancient period up to the 18th century. It describes in detail the reign time of the Olelkovich princely family.

     Krasnyanskiy.jpg Title: Минский департамент Великого княжества Литовского.

Author: Krasnyansky, G. Vladimir

Place and date of issue: Saint Petersburg: Сенатская типография, 1902.

AnnotationVladimir G. Krasnyansky (1863–1930) was a professor, historian, local lore scholar, member of the Vitebsk Scientific Archival Commission. The book describes the events of the Patriotic War of 1812, gives information about the French attack on the territory of Minsk and Minsk Governorate.

Title: Лепель, уездный гор. Витебской губ. : хроника минувшей жизни.

Author: Dmitry I. Dovgyallo.

Place and date of issue: Витебск : Губернская типолитография, 1905.

Annotation: Dmitry I. Dovgyallo (1868–1942) is a Belarusian and Russian scholar in history, archeography, as well as in source and archival studies. The book describes the history of the city of Lepel, its geographical location and local attractions. Moreover, its life chronicle coming from the county towns’ archival materials is given.

Title: Сказания исландских или скандинавских саг о Полоцке, князьях полоцких и р. Западной Двине. – [Витебск : б. и., 1916?]. – 32 с. ; 23 см.

Place and date of issue: [Витебск : б. и., 1916?].

Location: National Library of Belarus

Annotation: Icelandic sagas are the most famous genre of Scandinavian literature. These are prose works, narrating about ancient times not only of a given state, but also of neighbouring regions and lands. That is why the sagas are the most valuable source on the history of the Nordic countries. Alexei P. Sapunov collected information from sagas translated from Latin, which tell about the city of Polotsk and the Polotsk principality, the Western Dvina River, as well as the life of the Polotsk princes and the everyday life peculiarities of that time.

Title: Статут Великого Княжества Литовского 1588 года.

Place and date of issue: [Москва], 1854.

Annotation: The Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1588) is the most perfect code of laws of medieval Europe, the internal statute of people’s living which reflects their history, lifestyle, morals, traditions and native language. It was developed and printed in the Old Belarusian language in 1588 by Mamonich Brothers’ printing house in Vilna, under the direction and with financial support of Grand Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lew Sapieha. The Statute was in force on the territory of Belarus and Lithuania until the elimination of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1840, and then it served as a model code of laws for lawyers in other countries. The given edition of the Statute published in 1588 in Russian was initiated by the Moscow Society for Russian History and Antiquities in 1854.

Title: Белорусы : В 3 т. Т. 1 : Введение в изучение языка и народной словесности.

Author: Карский, Евфимий Федорович.

Place and date of issue: Варшава : Типография Варшав. учеб. округа, 1903.

Annotation: The fundamental work "Belarusians" (Vol. 1-3, 1903–1922) of Belarusian philologist and specialist in the history of the Slavs, founder of Belarusian linguistics, literary criticism and study of folklore, ethnographer, paleographer and pedagogue, is an encyclopedia of Belarusian study. In the first volume the author investigates the origins of the Belarusian people, outlines the ethnic boundaries, gives the ethnographic map of Belarus at the beginning of the twentieth century, covers the most important stages in the history of the Belarusian language, its specific features and relationships with the Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian and other languages, defines the basic collections of manuscripts and literary monuments of Belarusian origin.

Title: Белоруссия и Литва : Исторические судьбы Северо-Западного края: С одной хромолитогр., 99 гравюрами и карт.

Author: Н.И. Петров, И.И. Малышевский, М.И. Городецкий и др. ; Изд. при М-ве внутр. дел П.Н. Батюшковым.

Place and date of issue: СПб. : Тип. Т-ва "Обществ. польза", 1890.

Annotation: The book was published on the initiative of Russian statesman and writer P. N. Batiushkov (1810–1892), and for long it had been considered as one of the fundamental works devoted to the church, military and political history of Belarus from ancient times until the XIX century. The book contains 99 prints and maps.

Title: Исторические сведения о примечательнейших местах в Белоруссии с присовокуплением и других сведений к ней же относящихся.

Author: Без-Корнилович, Михаил Осипович.

Place and date of issue: СПб., 1855.

Annotation: The book by Belarusian historian and ethnographer, Major-General of the Russian Army M.O. Bez-Kornilovich (1796–1862) considers the questions of the ethnic territory and provides information about historic monuments of Belarus, culture, life and beliefs of its inhabitants. Separate parts of the book are devoted to people’s rituals, custom and folk meteorology.

Title: Витебская старина. Т. 1 : с приложениями и рисунками в тексте. – 1883. – XXII, 668 с., [55] л. ил., факсим. : ил., табл., факсим. – Часть текста на польском и латинском языках.

Аuthor: Сапунов, Алексей Парфенович.

Place and date of issue: Витебск : в Типографии Губернского правления, 1883.

Annotation: The first volume of “Vitebsk Antiquity” is notable for its original design: a beautiful multicolored cover, illustrations depicting the emblems of Vitebsk, the Vitebsk Principality and the Vitebsk Province, a large number of portraits, pictures of Vitebsk churches, a variety of plans and drawings, lithographic images of antique seals, charters and manuscripts.

Title: Кароткая гісторыя Беларусі : з 40 рысункамі.

Author: Ластоўскі, Вацлаў Юсцінавіч.

Place and date of issue: Вільня : Друкарня М. Кухты, 1910.

Annotation: V. Lastowski (1883–1938) is a writer, social and political activist, an active member of the national movement of the early 20th century. He wasn’t a professional historian, but he was a patriot and knowledgeable man. He reconsidered the past events of the country. The author considered and described the events in accordance with benefit or harm which influenced the Belarusian people. The past of Belarus in his research was presented through the consideration of cultural changes and political events occurred in the Belarusian land.
V. Lastowski became a victim of a totalitarian state. He was rehabilitated only in 1988. “A short history of Belarus” (Кароткая гісторыя Беларусі) for many decades remained in the closed fund of public libraries.
140 pages of the book contain 40 "pictures", including examples of old Belarusian writing, portraits and photographs of historical figures and leaders of the Belarusian revival, as well as images of towns and Belarusian clothes in different regions. Every "picture" has a comment. After a hundred years the work of V. Lastowski is still relevant because it is devoted to the transformation of the Belarusian people in the subject of its own history.

Title: Памятники времен древних и новейших в Витебской губернии : c рисунками в тексте и 25 отдельными приложениями.

Author: Сапунов, Алексей Парфенович.

Place and date of issue: Витебск : издание Витебского губернского статистического комитета, 1903.

Annotation: Sapunov Alexei (1851–1924) is an outstanding historian, archaeologist, and ethnographer. He learnt history, literature, ethnography, archeology, architecture, Belarusian folklore and mainly about the Trans-Dvina Region. A. Sapunov with unwavering persistence developed the idea of the necessity to study Vitebsk Province, its local literary and scientific works, and he followed this idea during his life.
"Monuments of the past and present in Vitebsk Province…" (Памятники времен древних и новейших в Витебской губернии) is an edition embellished with numerous pictures and drafts. The book describes ancient temples, shrines, chapels, the ruins of castles and so-called Boris Stones. These data are verified and trustworthy.

Title: Книга подарков Матери-Родине: от партизан и партизанок бригады “Дяди Коли”.

Place and year of issue: [Минская область], отряд им. Дзержинского. – Ноябрь-декабрь 1943.

Annotation: During the Great Patriotic War partisan and underground newspapers, leaflets, magazines were a real weapon. A significant role was played by the handwritten magazines that cover various sides of underground work and partisan life. They also included information on situation at the front, described military feats of Soviet soldiers, labor heroism of the people, courageous fights of partisans.

Title: Книга подарков Матери-Родине: от партизан и партизанок бригады “Дяди Коли”.

Place and year of issue: [Минская область], отряд им. Сталина. – Ноябрь-декабрь 1943.

Annotation: During the Great Patriotic War periodicals obtained an underground character. Partisan organizations issued the handwritten magazines which were made in cooperation with partisan journalists, writers, columnists, artists, and so the magazines were often very informative, interesting and abundantly illustrated. There were notes, sketches, stories including facts and episodes from the life of partisan units.

Title: Народный мститель. Книга подарков Матери-Родине: журн. комсомол. орг. партизан. бригады “Дяди Коли”.

Place and year of issue: [Минская область],1943.

Annotation: There were a lot of party’s underground and Komsomol publications issued on the territory of occupied Belarus during the Great Patriotic War. The important role in the reflection of the partisan forces belonged to handwritten magazines. They were a kind of historical documents, panorama of partisan battles and daily life, pages of the people’s art of that memorable time.

Title: Баркулабовская летопись.

Author: Довнар-Запольский, Митрофан Викторович.

Place and year of issue: Киев: Типография Императорского Университета св. Владимира Н.Т. Корчак-Новицкого, 1908.

Annotation: The Barkulabovsk Chronicle takes a remarkable place among the Belarusian chronicles of the 16th – 18th centuries. It contains information on the history of Belarus from the mid 16th to the early 17th century. It is a monument of the Belarusian language and the whole Belarusian culture. In this work Belarusian historian, ethnographer, folklorist and economist M. Dovnar-Zapolski (1867–1934) summarized his results after having studied the document.

Title: “Чертеж” гор. Витебска 1664 года”.

Author: Сапунов, Алексей Парфенович.

Place and year of issue: Витебск: Типография насл. М.Б. Неймана, 1910.

Annotation: Vitebsk is one of the oldest towns in Belarus. In his work famous Belarusian historian, ethnographer A. Sapunov (1851–1924) issued a graphic source on the history of town-planning in Belarus in the period of late feudalism –Cherteyzh (Plan) of the city of Vitebsk in 1664. This edition contains a detailed city’s plan and its defensive system of that time.

Title: Полоцко-Витебская старина. Кн. 1.


Place and year of issue: Vitebsk, 1911.

Annotation: Polotsko-Vitebskaya starina (The Polotsk-Vitebsk Olden Time) is an edition released by the Vitebsk Scientific Archival Commission. The commission published three volumes (vol. 1, 1911; vol. 2, 1912; vol. 3, 1916) in Vitebsk. The main theme of the edition is the history of Polotsk and Vitebsk Regions from the 9th to the 19th centuries as well as documents about the war of 1812. It contains a lot of illustrations: photos and portraits of government, military and religious figures, drawings of archaeological sites of Vitebsk and Polotsk Regions. The edition covered events of scientific, cultural and social life. Reports on the activities of local archival commission were regularly published there.

Title: Полоцко-Витебская старина. Кн. 2.


Place and year of issue: Vitebsk, 1912.

Annotation: Polotsko-Vitebskaya starina (The Polotsk-Vitebsk Olden Time) is a collection of articles, archival documents and research papers on a historical theme about Vitebsk and Belarus as a whole. The collection in three volumes in Russian (1911–1916) was prepared and published by the Vitebsk Scientific Archival Commission in Vitebsk.

Title: Полоцко-Витебская старина. Вып. 3.


Place and year of issue: Vitebsk, 1916.

Annotation: Polotsko-Vitebskaya starina (The Polotsk-Vitebsk Olden Time) is an edition released by the Vitebsk Scientific Archival Commission. The commission published three volumes (vol. 1, 1911; vol. 2, 1912; vol. 3, 1916) in Vitebsk. The main theme of the edition is the history of Polotsk and Vitebsk Regions from the 9th to the 19th centuries as well as documents about the war of 1812. It contains a lot of illustrations: photos and portraits of government, military and religious figures, drawings of archaeological sites of Vitebsk and Polotsk Regions. The edition covered events of scientific, cultural and social life. Reports on the activities of local archival commission were regularly published there.

Title: Патрэбнасць нацыянальнага жыцця для беларусаў і самаадзначэння народа.

Author: Шантыр, Фабіян Гiляравiч.

Place and year of issue: Слуцк : Друкарня З. Барнака, 1918.

Annotation: Fabian Gilyarovich Shantyr (1887–1920) is a Belarusian writer, publicist and public figure. His book devoted to the Belarusian question tells about the historical position of the Belarusian people and their relationships with neighboring peoples, opens the features of Belarusians as representatives of a particular nation and traces the ways of the revival and self-determination of the Belarusian people.