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Title: Буралом.

Author: Biadulia, Zmitrok.

Place and date of issue: Minsk, Дзяржаўнае выдавецтва Беларусі, 1925.

Annotation: Zmiatrok Biadulia (born Samuel Yefimovich Plovnik, 1886 – 1941) was a Belarusian writer, poet and lexicographer. The collection of poetry “Windfall” (Belarusian: “Буралом”) was released in the post-revolutionary time in 1925. The verses convey people’s attitude to the new life brought by the revolution. 

Title: Жировицкая чудотворная икона Божией Матери и Жировицкая обитель.

Author: Nicolay (Nikodim Redutto).

Place and date of issue: Вильна : в Типографии О. Блюмовича, 1867.

Annotation: The book provides historical information on the the Grodno province settlement and the foundation of Zhirovichi market town, where the image of the Mother of God (called Zhirovichskaya) was appeared. This miraculous image is one of the most famous Belarusian shrines, and at the place of its appearance the Zhirovichi Monastery was created.

Title: Невялічкі беларуска-маскоўскі слоўнік.

Author: Maxim I. Goretsky.

Place and date of issue: Вільня : Беларускае выдавецкае т-ва "Крыніца", 1919 (Друкарня "Віленскага выдавецтва").

Annotation: Maxim I. Goretsky (1893–1938) is a Belarusian writer, literary critic, translator and a leader of the Belarusian national movement of the early 20th century. He worked as an editor of the Belarusian newspapers “Our Thought” (“Nasha dumka”) and “Belarusian News” (“Belaruskiya vedamastsi”). In 1920, he wrote and published the first “History of Belarusian Literature”, and later some more works on this topic. Besides, M. Goretsky compiled several Belarusian-Russian and Russian-Belarusian dictionaries. One of them is “Small Belarusian-Moscow Dictionary” (“Nevalichki belaruska-maskouski slounik”), published by “Vilna publishing” (“Vilenskaga vydavetstva”) in 1919.

Title: Komedye y tragedye przednio-dowcipnym wynalazkiem wybornym wiersza kształtem, bujnośćią rzeczy, y poważnymi przykładami znamienite.

Author: Radziwiłłowa, Franciszka Urszula.

Place and date of issue: [Żółkiew : Jakób Pobog Fryczyński], 1754.

Annotation: The creative writing of Františka Urszula Radziwill (1705–1753) is an original phenomenon in Belarusian multilingual literature of the XVIII century. In the 1740s, she founded the famous Court Theatre –Radziwill Niasvizh Theatre where her plays in the Polish language, along with translated comedies and tragedies by French playwrights were staged. The book including 16 plays and 17 opera librettos of Františka Urszula Radziwill is also notable for numerous prints depicting scenes from the plays. The prints based on Urszula Radziwill’s drawings are made by Nesvizh engraver Mikhail Zhukovsky.

Title: [Rosarium et Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis aliaeque Variae Devotiones Combinatae in Honorem SSmae Trinitatis Augustissimaque Regina Caelo in Cultum].

Place and date of issue: [Wilno: Druk. Akad., 1678–79].

Annotation: The book "Rosarium ..." (prayer and service of Virgin Mary) is the most prominent among the rarest Belarusian publications of the XVII century. The originality of this edition consists in its peculiar design performed by excellent master of book illustration, portrait, heraldic and eulogistic engraving Alexander Tarasevich (?–1730), whose best works are worthy of comparison with those of celebrated Western artists. The illustrations (the book contains 39 prints) are divided into two groups: the calendar cycle and engravings which express evangelical themes. 12 prints of the calendar cycle depicting peasant labor in all months of the year are particularly remarkable.

Title: Жалейка.

Author: Купала, Янка.

Place and date of issue: Петербург : Заглянет солнце и в наше оконце (Типография К. Пентковского), 1908.

Annotation: Yanka Kupala (the pen name of Ivan Lutsevich; 1882–1942) is a classic of Belarusian literature, one of the most respected writers and very popular among reader. Kupala passed a long course of life. He worked as a farmer- ploughman, home teacher, estate manager, clerk, assistant of a distiller, librarian, journalist, editor of the Belarusian newspaper “Nasha Niva”, and later one of creators of a university, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academic Theatre. But, first of all, he is the people’s poet. “Zhaleika” is the first collection of his poems published in 1908 in Saint-Petersburg by the first Belarusian legal publishing house “Zaglyanet solnzhe v nashe okonzhe”. In literature Yanka Kupala reflected the opinion of the Belarusian peasantry. It stipulated the pencraft of his first poems. The bitterness, caused by surrounding poet’s reality, dreams about bright future, calls to fight with strong feeling of justice, are the main lyrical motives of “Zhaleika”.

Title: Новая земля.

Author: Колас, Якуб.

Place and date of issue: Минск: Белорусское кооперативно-издательское общество «Совецкая Беларусь», 1923.

Annotation: Yakub Kolas (the pen name of Kanstantsin Mitskievich; 1882–1956) is a classic of Belarusian literature and, together with Yanka Kupala, the creator of modern Belarusian literature and Belarusian literary language. The epic poem “Novaya zemlya” was written by Y. Kolas between 1911 and 1923 and became an important stage both in writer’s oeuvre and the whole national literature. The life of working peasantry at the beginning of XIX–XX centuries, the desire to be the owner of his land, primeval dreams about happiness and freedom are truly expressed in this work. Characters and their rich inward life are unveiled in real private life, work, customs and traditions, in relationships with other people. The innovation of the poem is in making peasantry private life more aesthetic, in poeticizing of labour and in glorifying of intellectual wealth and beauty of a plain man. In the poems the most important compositional role is played by the images of nature, in which the author find analogies with human and society fate. The first edition of the poem dated 1923 is represented here.

Title: Вянок.

Author: Богданович, Максим.

Place and date of issue: Вильно : Типография Мартина Кухты, 1913.

Annotation: Maxim Bogdanovich (1891–1917) is a unique person in Belarusian literature. He was 5 years old when he began to live outside of Belarus, separated from the native country by thousands kilometers. But, meanwhile, he wrote his works in the native language and became a great Belarusian poet. In his adolescence he showed a bright poetic talent, amazing contemporaries with his maturity, shine of mastery and virtuosity. As a poet of very high culture, he wrote about the beauty of art, nature, and women; future of Belarus, poeticized motherhood, admired with Madonna, harmony of architecture shapes and ancient hand-written book. As a poet of the Belarusian people, Maxim Bogdanovich suffered and painfully reacted to dependent situation of Belarus at that time. But creative activity of talented son of the Belarusian country continued only 10 years. M. Bogdanovich died when he was 26 years old.
“Vyanok” is the first and unique book published in poet’s lifetime in Vilnius in 1913. Its circulation was 2 000 copies. Now it is unknown how many copies of the book are saved, but till recently only 24 of them have been found. The represented edition has author’s autograph.

Title: Чатырохсотлецце беларускага друку = Quadringentennium typorum alboruthenicorum : 1525–1925.

Place and date of issue: Минск : Институт белорусской культуры (1-я тип. Главлитбел), 1926.

Annotation: September 1925 was the 400th anniversary from the day when Belarusian first printer, enlightener-humanist, Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine Francysk Skoryna published in his printing-works in Vilnius the “Apostol”– the first book printed on the territory of contemporary Belarus. This fact in the history of Belarusian culture was the occasion to make an anniversary edition about the epoch in which Francysk Skoryna lived.
The collection includes articles devoted to F. Skoryna’s work, history of the Belarusian printing in the XVI – XVII centuries, historical development of Belarus, other European countries, Europe of the XVI century. The work “Gravyury i knizhnye ukrashenia v izdaniyakh Frantsiska Skoriny”("Engravings and book decorations in Francysk Skoryna’s editions") by N. N. Schchekotikhina (1896–1940), the founder of the Belarusian art criticism, is of great value.

Title: Аристотелевы врата, или Тайная тайных [рукопись белорусского письма].

Place and date of issue: [конец XV – начало XVI в.].

Annotation: The National Library of Belarus keeps the original monument of Belarusian book and writing culture of the 16th century – the apocryphal work “Aristotle’s Gates, or the Mystery of Mysteries” (“Аристотелевы врата, или Тайная тайных”. This manuscript is written in the Old Belarusian language and represents a collection of works including a number of astrological writings. The whole set of these works allows suggesting the existence of some East Slavic “astrological library” i.e. the oldest corps of Belarusian astrological book-learning – original, translated and compiled – that had exerted a direct influence upon the similar Russian book-learning. The content of the hand-written collection is extremely interesting. “Aristotle’s Gates, or the Mystery of Mysteries” is the most important part of the hand-written collection which contains an extensive set of fortune-telling and oracular entries and can be considered as a unique treatise created in the Belarusian lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
The apocryphal writing is Belarusian regularized half-running hand of the 16th century. It is designed with the use of fine vermilion initials of different size (in all entries), and also the images of the signs of the zodiac and planets in the entry “The Tale of the Seven Stars…” (“Сказание о седми звездах…”).

Title: Лексикон славеноросский. Имен толъкование.

Author: Берында, Памва.

Place and date of issue: З типографии общежителнаго монастыра Кутеинскаго тщанием тояжде обители иноков типом издася, 1653.

Annotation: Berynda Pamva (? – 1632) is the East Slavic cultural figure, scientist-lexicographer, printer, engraver and writer. He wrote poems, letters, prose forewords and afterwords. He spoke Belarusian, Old Slavic, Ukrainian, Hellenic, Latin, Yiddish and other languages. His dictionary “The Slavic Lexicon. Names Interpretations” (“Лексикон славеноросский. Имен толъкование”) is one of the best works in East Slavic lexicography of the 17th century. It includes about 7 000 entries and has the features of an encyclopedia and explanatory and etymological dictionaries. The work on the “The Lexicon…” took about 30 years. The author used linguistic writings of his predecessors including East Slavic alphabets, glosses from the editions of F. Skoryna, “Lexis” of L. Zizaniy (1596) and others, and also his own excerpts from different hand-written and printed sources.
“The Lexicon…” of Pamva Berynda is not simply an explanatory and translation dictionary from the Church Slavonic language to the language of dwellers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, but also an encyclopedia on different fields of knowledge: mathematics, natural history, medicine, pedagogy etc and an important source of knowledge of vocabularies of the Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian languages of the 17th century, and a very useful manual for reading Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian book monuments written in the Church Slavonic language. This is not only the monument of Belarusian lexicography, but also the predecessor of Belarusian lexicology.

Title: Оттиски видов храмов, священных предметов, городов Северо-Западного края, народных типов Витебской губернии и предметов древности. По клише Витебского губернского статистического комитета.

Place and date of issue: Витебск : Губернская типография, 1891.

Annotation: The Vitebsk Province is the political subdivision of the Russian Empire in 1802–1924; along with the Vilno, Kovno, Grodno, Minsk and Mogilev Provinces, it made the North-Western Lands. Vitebsk was the principal town of the Province. The biggest town – Dvinsk. The Province was established by the decree of the Senate of March 11th, 1802, when the Belarusian Province was divided into the Mogilev and the Vitebsk Provinces.
The edition consists of five chapters: the first chapter includes imprints of temples and images of cloisters in Vitebsk and Polotsk; the second chapter presents the sacred objects: the image of the Cross of St. Evfrosinia Polotskaya (1161) and the inscription it bears, the Cross of St. Paraskeviya (15th century) and other religious objects, church plate, furniture kept in the Sophia Church in Polotsk; the third chapter contains the images of towns of the North-Western Lands: Vitebsk, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Vilno, Kovno, Grodno, city maps, plans and images of castles; the fourth chapter features the images of representatives of different peoples living in the North-Western Lands: Belarusians, Russians, Poles, Letts; the fifth chapter presents the images of the ancient Boris Stones, the Stone Age artifacts, emblems and seals.

Title: Песні-жальбы.

Author: Колас, Якуб.

Place and year of issue: Вільня : Віленская друкарня, 1910.

Annotation: Pesni-zhalby (The Songs of Blames) is the first book of poetry written by Belarusian classic Yakub Kolas (1882–1956) which reflects the image of the native land and realities of that time. The author in verses describes the image of a Belarusian peasant who being in difficult social conditions remains an optimist and believes in the revival of the Motherland.

Title: Паўлінка: сцэны з шляхецкага жыцця ў 2 актах.

Author: Купала, Янка.

Place and year of issue: Вільня, 1927.

Annotation: The comedy Paulinka written by Belarusian national poet Yanka Kupala (1882–1942) is a classic work of the national literature and famous pattern of Belarusian drama. The work is based on a conflict between reactionary, conservative forces in the society and the part of the population which tends to renewal of life. The work also touches issues common to all mankind.

Title: Сымон-музыка.

Author: Колас, Якуб.

Place and year of issue: Менск [Мінск]: Дзяржвыд Беларусі, 1925.

Annotation: The main motives of the poem written by Yakub Kolas (1882–1956) are a painter and art, folk origins of art, the artist’s civic duty, and even more – a spiritual rebirth of the people. The life of rural talented musician Symon, his search for the truth and meaning of life are described by romantic images. Fairy tales, legends, parables give the poem a particular color, make it more beautiful and close to the people’s origins.

Title: Словарь белорусского наречия.

Author: Носович, Иван.

Place and year of issue: Санкт-Петербург: издание Отделения русского языка и словесности Императорской академии наук, 1870.

Annotation: The work of I. Nosovich (1788–1877) is the first basic vocabulary of the Belarusian language which includes more than 30 thousand words written by the author in Mogilev, Minsk, Grodno provinces and selected from the Belarusian folklore, old Belarusian literary monuments and philological collections. Slovar ... (The Vocabulary) marked the beginning of normalization (codification) of the vocabulary of the Belarusian literary language and is the first Belarusian national vocabulary.

Title: Дополнение к Белорусскому словарю И. И. Носовича: Слова, извлеч. из составл. им рукописного собрания белорусских песен и сказок.

Author: Носович, Иван.

Place and year of issue: СПб.: Тип. Императорской академии наук, 1881.

Annotation: An additional edition to the vocabulary of one thousand words has appeared after 11 years since Slovar beloruskogo narechiya (The vocabulary of the Belarusian dialect) appeared. Slovar written by Belarusian linguist, ethnographer, folklorist I. Nosovich (1788–1877) had a great influence on the development of the whole East Slavic lexicography.

Title: Беларуская архітэктура.

Author: Каспяровіч, Мікалай.

Place and year of issue: Віцебск: [б. в.], 1925.

Annotation: Belarusian historian, art critic and literary critic N. Kasperovich (1900–1937) studied the history of art, architecture and graphics. Belaruskaya arkhitektura (Belarusian architecture) is the first attempt to popularize historical information on Belarusian art beginning from an ancient Belarusian architecture to the buildings of the 2nd half of the 19th century.

Title: Тарас на Парнасе: [паэма].

Place and year of issue: Вільня: выданне «Нашай хаты» № 2, 1909 (Друкарня М. Кухты).

Annotation: The poem Taras na Parnase (Taras on Parnassus) was written in the 1850s and at first it was considered anonymous. According to research the author of the poem is K. Verenitsyn (1834–1904). This poem has a parody and preposterous character and it is one of the most cheerful and comedic works in all Belarusian literature. This work ridicules the canons of classicism. The language of the poem is lively, imaginative, rich in epithets, metaphors, apt expressions.

Title: Белорусская свадьба и свадебные песни.

Author: Довнар-Запольский, Митрофан Викторович.

Place and year of issue: Киев: Типография А. Давиденко, 1888.

Annotation: One of the first major ethnographic works belonging to Belarusian historian, ethnographer, folklorist and economist M. Dovnar-Zapolski (1867–1934) is the work Belaruskaya svadba i svadebnye pesni. Etnografichesky etud (Belarusian weddings and wedding songs. Ethnographic study) is dedicated to the description of wedding ceremonies and wedding songs that existed in Rechitsa and Mozyr Districts of Minsk Province. The book is still a valuable resource for researchers.

Title: Букварь языка славенскаго: чтения и писания учитися хотящим, в полезное руковождение.

Place and year of issue: Вилна: Типография Е. К. В., 1767.

Annotation: Belarus is the Motherland of ABC Book. It is a place where the first book with the same title has appeared. Bukvar (ABC Book) of 1767 keeps a spirit of an epoch, it reflects the specific education of its time and shows methodology and approaches of the children’s training and education, includes not only a set of didactic texts: precepts, prayers, sermons and hymns, as well as exercises to learn foreign languages – Polish and German.

Title: Полоцкий Софийский собор.

Author: Сапунов, Алексей Парфенович.

Place and year of issue: Витебск (в Типографии Губернского правления), 1888.

Annotation: St Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk is an outstanding monument of the Belarusian monumental architecture of the 11th – 18th centuries. Famous Belarusian historian, ethnographer A. Sapunov (1851–1924) devoted his work to the history of Polotsk and St Sophia Cathedral. This historical monumental building is a valuable architectural monument and a symbol of the national culture.

Title: Древние иконы Божией Матери в Полоцкой епархии.

Author: Сапунов, Алексей Парфенович.

Place and year of issue: Витебск: в Типографии Губернского правления, 1888.

Annotation: Famous Belarusian historian, ethnographer A. Sapunov (1851–1924) belonged to the Belarusian creative elite of the late 19th – the early 20th century which distinguished with a broad outlook, encyclopedic knowledge on the history of Belarus. His work is dedicated to sacred objects of the Polotsk diocese – the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan in Holy Trinity Markov Monastery and the icon of Iberian Mother of God in Epiphany Monastery in Polotsk.

Title: Двинские, или Борисовы камни.

Author: Сапунов, Алексей Парфенович.

Place and year of issue: Витебск: издание Витебского губернского статистического комитета, 1890 (Типография Витебского губернского правления).

Annotation: Dvina or Boris stones are epigraphic monuments, the oldest evidence of the spread of Christianity in the Belarusian land, the oldest worship crosses. Vitebsk historian A. Sapunov (1851–1924) gives a detailed description of the four remaining stones of Boris (their exact dimensions, kind of stone, location, texts). He additionally describes some cult stones.

Title: Белорусский сборник: [в 9 вып.]. Вып. 1–2: Песни, пословицы, загадки.

Author: Романов, Евдоким Романович.

Place and year of issue: Киев: Типография С. В. Кульженко, 1885.

Annotation: This edition contains 910 songs and 300 burdens collected by famous Belarusian ethnographer, folklorist and archaeologist E. Romanov (1855–1922). The book is the largest collection of Belarusian folk melodies. A feature of this collection is in songs which are almost all new or variants which have their own meaning.

Title: Белорусский сборник: [в 9 вып.]. Вып. 6: Сказки.

Author: Романов, Евдоким Романович.

Place and year of issue: Могилёв: Типография Губернского правления, 1901.

Annotation: The collection includes 60 stories and their variants recorded by famous researcher of material and spiritual culture of the Belarusian people E. Romanov (1855–1822). Fairy tales are a valuable resource for the study of Belarusian traditions and folklore, spiritual aspects of the Belarusian people, their views on the nature of social phenomena. This edition is of great scientific value for folklorists, historians, ethnographers and linguists.

Title: Белорусский сборник: [в 9 вып.]. Вып. 7: Белорусские народные мелодии. Песни сезонные, обрядовые, игровые, танцы, духовные стихи.

Author: Романов, Евдоким Романович.

Place and year of issue: Вильна: Типография «Русский почин», 1910.

Annotation: The collection of Belarusian ethnographer, folklorist and archeologist E. Romanov (1855–1922) along with printed music includes spring, Easter, Whitsunday, drinking, Ivan Kupala, Christmas, wedding, baptismal, round dance songs and lullabies and also refrains to Belarusian dances which testify the great antiquity of Belarusian folk poetry and prove the strength of Belarusians who keep their unique ethnographic image.

Title: Гісторыя беларускай (крыўскай) кнігі.

Author: Lastouski, Vatslau.

Place and year of issue: Kaunas, 1926.

Annotation: Vatslau Lastouski (1883–1938) is a prominent figure of Belarusian culture, a scholar, writer, publisher, an active participant of the social and political movement. His fundamental work The History of the Belarusian (Kryvian) Book became the first edition which fully and multifaceted analyzed the history of the Belarusian book culture from the antiquity till the 18th century. The edition features a rich repertoire of the national book together with comments, text fragments from originals and illustrations of high quality.

Title: Суд : п’еса ў 1 акце.

Author: Golubok, Vladislav.

Place and year of issue: Vilna, 1925.

Annotation: Vladislav Golubok (1882–1937) is a playwright, prose writer, director and actor; the artist who made a great contribution to the development of the Belarusian national theatrical art and the first people’s actor of the BSSR (1928). In his one-act play Sud (The Court) (1920) the author derided representatives of imperial authority and bureaucratic officials.

Title: Пісаравы імяніны : камедыя ў 1 акце.

Author: Golubok, Vladislav.

Place and year of issue: Minsk, 1927.

Annotation: Vladislav Golubok (1882–1937) is a famous Belarusian writer, actor, director, theatre manager and artist. He is the author of more than 40 plays. Only 13 of them (texts of the others were lost) preserved to our days. His comedy Pisarevy imeniny (The Clerk’s Name-Day) was very popular in the 1920s and was staged by different theatrical companies. The play derides representatives of volost’s authorities and local "intelligentsia".

Title: Апошняе спатканне : драма ў 4 актах.

Author: Golubok, Vladislav.

Place and year of issue: Vilna, 1919.

Annotation: The activity of Vladislav Golubok (1882–1937) in the sphere of art is many-sided. He was a playwright, novelist, actor, artist, one of the most outstanding theatrical figures who searched for his plots in the history of the Belarusian people and folklore. His best dramatic works are remarkable for a profound psychologism, a sharpness of conflict and a variety of characters. The play Poslednie svidanie (The Last Appointment) was the first work in a melodramatic line of Vladislav Golubok’s plays.

Title: Пабрацімцы і Вялікая шышка.

Author: Drozdovich, Yazep.

Place and year of issue: Vilna, 1923.

Annotation: Yazep Drozdovich (1888–1954) is an unusual figure in the history of the Belarusian culture. In his person we have is an example of a creative person, a Renaissance man – Homo universalis ("universal person"): a remarkable artist, ethnographer, writer, philosopher and teacher.
The edition Pobratimy, ili Bolshaya shishka (Blood Brothers, or the Bigwig) is the first part of the story Bezumets bez bezumstva (A Madman without Madness) which the author has published under the pseudonym Yazep Nartsizov and drawn a cover for it. The foretitle of the edition has the author’s autograph.

Title: Вера, паншчына і воля ў беларускіх народных казках і песнях.

Author: Бядуля, Змитрок.

Place and year of issue: Беларускае кааперацыйна-выдавецкае таварыства «Савецкая Беларусь», 1924.

Annotation: The creativity of Zmitrok Bedulya (1886–1941), poetry, publicism and prose, had made a significant contribution to the development and enrichment of both literature and public consciousness of the Belarusian people. His study is devoted to Belarusian folklore, fairy tales and songs in which Belarusian reality is reflected.

Title: Матчын дар : думы і песнi 1907–1914 гг.

Author: Гарун, Алесь.

Place and year of issue: Менск : коштам Народнага сэкрэтарыяту Беларусі, 1918 (Друкарня Я. Грынблята).

Annotation: The collection of Alies’ Garun (1887–1920) “Matchyn dar” (“The Mother’s Gift”) is an outstanding poetic achievement of the XX century and the poet’s book of destiny, just like Maxim Bogdanovich’s “Vyanok” (“The Wreath”). It is full of pain for a poor fate of the Motherland. The poet’s creativity is remarkable for the urgency of problems, high concentration of ideas and feelings, originality of poetic thinking and figurative systems.

Title: Поездки по Полесью 1911 и 1912 года.

Author: Сербов, Исаак Абрамович.

Place and year of issue: Вильна : издание Северо-Западного отдела Императорского Русского географического общества (Типография И. Завадзкого), 1914.

Annotation: The book “The Journeys Across Polesye in 1911 and 1912” by Belarusian ethnographer, specialist in folklore and archeologist Isaak Abramovich Serbov (1871–1941) includes generalized data on life, material culture, oral poetic and musical creativity of inhabitants of different corners of Polesye, types of their clothes, habitation, household buildings, arts and crafts etc.

Title: Белорусские древности: сведения о памятниках старины. Вып. 1: с 106-ю изображениями разных предметов древностей в тексте и литографическим приложением.

Author: Сементовский, Александр Максимович.

Place and year of issue: Санкт-Петербург: (Типолитография Н. Стефанова), 1890.

Annotation: The book by known archeologist, regional specialist, ethnographer and specialist in folklore A.M. Sementovsky (1821–1893) is devoted to monuments of Belarusian olden time in the Vitebsk Province. It comprises a systematized collection of data on the Vitebsk Region including 106 images of different subjects of antiquity and a lithographic appendix.

Title: Пинчуки: этнографический сборник: песни, загадки, пословицы, обряды, приметы, предрассудки, поверья, суеверия и местный словарь.

Author: Булгаковский, Дмитрий Гаврилович.

Place and year of issue: Санкт-Петербург : в Типографии В. Безобразова и К°, 1890.

Annotation: The collection of Belarusian ethnographer, specialist in folklore and regional specialist D.G. Bulgakovsky (1845 – circa 1918) was in the time the most extensive work on the ethnography of Pinsk Polesye. In 1888 the author was awarded the golden medal of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.

Title: Вялікодная пісанка, 1914 год : [зборнік].

Place and year of issue: Вільня : Друкарня М. Кухты, [1914?].

Annotation: “Vyalokodnaja pisanka” (“The Paschal Egg”) is a collection of works by Belarusian authors who were engaged in the Belarusian national revival. The published essay of Belarusian writer, publicist and literary critic Maxim Goretsky (1893–1938) “Razvagi i dumki” (“Reflections and Ideas”) is a classic example of Belarusian literary criticism.

Title: Курганная кветка: [зборнік].

Author: Буйло, Канстанцыя Антонаўна.

Place and year of issue: Вільня : Беларускае выдавецкае таварыства, 1914 (Друкарня Марціна Кухты).

Annotation: “Kurgannaya kvetka” (“The Barrow Flower” is a debut collection of verses by Konstancija Bujlo (1893–1986), the Belarusian poetess-lyricist whose name in the beginning of the XX century stood near those of Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, Maxim Bogdanovich and Zmitrok Bedulya. Her works are overflowing with love of the Motherland and common rural people of which she originates too.