MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryElectronic editions, 2006–2008Библиотеки агрогородков как объект “Государственной программы возрождения и развития села на 2005–2010 гг.” / Agrarian villages’ libraries as a subject of the “State program of revival and development of villages for 2005 – 2010”

Библиотеки агрогородков как объект “Государственной программы возрождения и развития села на 2005–2010 гг.” / Agrarian villages’ libraries as a subject of the “State program of revival and development of villages for 2005 – 2010”

Project owner M.G. Aleynik

CD-ROM contains materials on the main fields of libraries’ activity: acquisition and maintenance of library stocks, human resources, equipment etc. There are presented results of the research “Informational needs of agrarian villages’ population” carried out by the National Library of Belarus in 2006–2007 which allowed to determine priorities and forecast the main trends of the development agrarian villages’ libraries. They provided a basis for the modeling of an agrarian villages’ library and professional training of librarians.
CD-ROM includes an annotated subject index and useful links to Internet resources.
The publication is designed for librarians, scientists, professors, students, and all categories of readers.

Size 5 Mb. 60 copies.
Sale price (VAT inclusive):  Br 15 067 
Retail price:  Br 16 570

The edition is available at the booth located on the first floor next to the central entrance or by subscription.