MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryArchive of electronic editions, 2000–2005Literary Heritage of Belarus, XI – middle XX century

Літаратурная спадчына Беларусі, ХІ – сярэдзіна ХХ стагоддзя = Литературное наследие Беларуси, XI – середина ХХ века = Literary Heritage of Belarus, XI – middle XX century

The CD-ROM includes materials from the stocks of the National Library of Belarus and consists of two sections: “Ancient Belarusian literature, the 11th – early 17th centuries” and “New Belarusian literature, the late 17th – middle 20th centuries”.

The first section includes more than 150 works of Belarusian authors in the Church Slavonic language, the Old Belarusian language, Latin and Polish. The most part of texts is completed with translations into the modern Belarusian language, commentaries, and historical notes. The electronic copies of original works from manuscripts and old-printed editions are also included.

The second section contains works of 50 authors that allow readers to learn the history of modern Belarusian literature. The works are selected on the principle of their significance to the development of national literature, language and culture in general.