MainServicesInformation servicesInformation and bibliographical service Media Monitoring

Media Monitoring on a Given Topic

The National Library of Belarus offers a paid service of the rapid tracking of publications in the mass media of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries in Belarusian, Russian, and foreign languages. The monitoring can be performed according to some topic, the  business direction of the organization, development and innovation in any separate industry, a company, a trade mark, persons,  an event, etc.

The selection of the material is based on proven, authoritative sources of information from the richest information resources available to the library: print and electronic media, informational messages, licensed databases and Internet search engines. Specialized and business media which are not represented in electronic database, are viewed manually.

The thematic package is formed taking according to the requirements specified in the bilateral agreement for information services. Information in the media is tracked with the necessary frequency: daily, weekly, monthly. The material is provided as a package of electronic copies of articles / messages: with the formatting of the text or in the form in which they are presented in information resources. Analytical text processing is not performed.

The cost of services is determined by the number of selected articles / viewed sources in accordance with the Pricelist of paid services provided by the National Library of Belarus to legal entities.

For more info(8 017) 293 27 39 (с 9.00– 17.00 on weekdays), Information Service Department.