MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryElectronic editions, 2009–2011

Electronic editions, 2009–2011

Subject plan for 2011

Агляд дзейнасці бібліятэк сістэмы Міністэрства культуры Рэспублікі Беларусь (2006–2010) / Review on Activities of Libraries Belonging to the System of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus (2006–2010)

A comprehensive analysis of the activity of libraries within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus in 2006–2010.

Беларуская і руская літаратура ў дапамогу навучэнцам / Belarusian and Russian Literature for the Students

The electronic edition includes a number of Belarusian and Russian literary works created during the thousand-year history of Belarusian and Russian written language: from the Middle Ages to the middle of the 20th century.

Паэт красы і гармоніі: да 120-годдзя з дня нараджэння Максіма Багдановіча (1891–1917) / The Poet of Beauty and Harmony: The 120th Anniversary of Maksim Bogdanovich (1891–1917)

The electronic edition is dedicated to the 120th birthday of M. Bogdanovich – poet, journalist, literary critic, translator and classic of Belarusian literature.

Сапегиана: книжное собрание рода Сапег = Сапегіяна: кнігазбор роду Сапегаў / Sapegiana: The Book Collection of the Sapega Family

The electronic edition includes sources on the history of the book collections of the Sapegas noble family – one of the most outstanding aristocratic families in the history of Belarus who had made an important contribution to the development of national culture.

Французские автографы в фонде Национальной библиотеки Беларуси / French Autographs in the Stock of the National Library of Belarus

The National Library of Belarus has a unique collection of books with authors’ autographs. The electronic edition comprises 66 books from the Library’s collection edited in France in the late 19th – early 20th centuries.

Subject plan for 2010

Беларускі каляндар, 2011 год / Belarusian Calendar, 2011

The electronic edition contains information on the most significant events and memorial dates which will be observed in Belarus in 2011. Information on particular dates is added with a digitized portrait gallery of public figures whose anniversaries will be observed, pictures of monuments, arms, photos of institutions and links to Internet resources.

Паклонімся вялікім тым гадам: 65-годдзю Вялікай Перамогі прысвячаецца / Let’s Greet Those Great Years: dedication to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory

The electronic edition is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory and contains bibliographic information, electronic copies of underground and partisan press, posters, and records of military songs.

Спадчына акадэміка Яўхіма Карскага: да 150-годдзя з дня нараджэння / Academician Euphimiy Karsky’s Heritage: to the 150th birthday

The electronic edition is dedicated to the 150th birthday Euphimiy Karsky (1861–1931) – the outstanding Belarusian scientist, ethnographer, folklorist, paleographer, founder of Belarusian scientific linguistics and study of literature, participant of Belarusian national movement and a remarkable educator and cultural worker.

Subject plan for 2009

Актуальныя праблемы культуры і мастацтва. 2009 г. / Urgent issues of culture and art. 2009.

The electronic edition (in Belarusian and Russian languages; 4 issues per year) contains abstract reviews on the urgent issues of the modern culture, cultural policy, international cooperation; innovation activities in the field of entertainment, librarianship, museum study, preservation of cultural and historical heritage; analytical surveys on fine art, music, theatre and cinema.

Беларускі каляндар, 2010 год

Беларускі каляндар, 2010 год / Belarusian calendar, 2010

The electronic edition contains information on the most significant events and memorial dates which will be observed in Belarus in 2010.

Библиотека Хрептовичей / The Khrentovichs’ library

The electronic edition contains materials on the history of Khrentovich noble family’s library in Schorsy – one of the biggest book collections in Belarus of the XVIII–XIX centuries.

Запаветны напеў, запаветная даль… Белавежская пушча

Запаветны напеў, запаветная даль… Белавежская пушча / Bieloviezhskaya Puscha

The multimedia edition is dedicated to the 600th anniversary of foundation of Belarusian national park Bieloviezhskaya Puscha which is one of the biggest woodlands in Europe.

Інфармацыйная прадукцыя навуковых бібліятэк і Нацыянальнай кніжнай палаты Беларусі на 2009 г. / Information products of scientific libraries and National Book Chamber of Belarus for 2009

The edition includes data on information products of scientific libraries and National Book Chamber of Belarus for 2009: in-house databases, databases in progress, and electronic and printed publications containing bibliographic, factual, and combined information.

"Hе пакідайце ж мовы нашай беларускай…": да 170-годдзя з дня нараджэння Францішка Багушэвіча (1840–1900) / "Do not forget our Belarusian language…”: to the 170th anniversary of Frantisek Bogushevich (1840-1900)

The electronic edition is dedicated to the 170th anniversary of Frantisek Bogushevich, the great Belarusian poet, prose writer, journalist and translator of the ХІХ century.

Подпольная и партизанская печать Беларуси / Belarusian underground and partisan press

The electronic edition is dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi occupants. It contains electronic copies of Belarusian underground and partisan press from the collections of National Library of Belarus, Museum of the Great Patriotic War, and National Archive of the Republic of Belarus and includes three sections: leaflets, journals and newspapers.

Radziviliana: дакументальныя помнікі з фондаў Нацыянальнай библіятэкі Беларусі: іканаграфія Радзівілаў / Radziviliana:documents from the collections of the National Library of Belarus: the Radzivils’ iconography

The electronic edition contains the full text electronic copy of the eminent album of engravings published in 1875 with portraits of Radzivil noble family “Icones Familiae Ducalis Radzivilianae”.