MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryElectronic editions, 2006–2008

Electronic editions, 2006–2008

Subject plan for 2008

Слуцкае Евангелле. Беларускі рукапіс XVI ст. / Slutsk Gospel. Belarusian manuscript of the 16th century

CD-ROM contains materials of the joint scientific project of National Library of Belarus and National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Yakub Kolas and Yanka Kupala Institute of Language “The Slutsk Gospel (the 16th century) as a monument of Belarusian people’s linguistic heritage” performed by the grant of Belarusian Republican Fund of Fundamental Research.

Восток – Запад в век информационно-телекоммуникационных технологий: материалы Международной конференции по межбиблиотечному абонементу и доставке документов (3–7 декабря 2007 г., Минск) / “East-West in the century of informational and telecommunication technologies”: materials of the International conference on interlibrary loan and delivery of materials (December 3-7, 2007, Minsk)

CD-ROM contains reports and speeches of the conference dedicated to the issues of mutual use of library resources for the free access to information and knowledge, implementation of new technologies in remote users library service, development and use of electronic resources for interlibrary loan and document delivery, copyright, and standard and legal angles of the activity of interlibrary loan and document delivery.

Асноўныя службовыя дакументы Міністэрства культуры Рэспублікі Беларусь. 2007 г. / Main in-house documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. 2007.

The CD-ROM contains the in-house documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus published in a given time.

Имидж-каталог Национальной библиотеки Беларуси / Image-catalog of the National Library of Belarus

A set of 36 DVD is a complete electronic version of the NLB’s general catalogs: alphabetical – in Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian languages, alphabetical catalogs of microfiches of dissertations, music, and graphic materials, and classified catalog of map materials.

Нацыянальная бібліятэка Беларусі = Национальная библиотека Беларуси / The National Library of Belarus

CD-ROM contains information on the history of the Library, its modern state, and prospects of its developments as an informational, social, political, and cultural center of the country.

Нацыянальная бібліятэка Беларусі ў друку. 1922–2007 гг. / The National Library of Belarus in press. 1922-2007.

DVD-ROM is a multimedia project timed to the 85th anniversary of the main Belarusian library which was celebrated on September 15, 2007.

Актуальныя праблемы культуры і мастацтва. 2008 г.: інфармацыйна-аналітычны зборнік / The urgent issues of culture and art. 2008: informational and analytical collected articles

CD-ROM (in Belarusian and Russian languages, 4 issues per year) contains abstract reviews on the urgent issues of the modern state and prospects of the development of culture, cultural policy, international cooperation, innovative activity in the field of leisure, librarianship, museum study, cultural and historical heritage protection, analytical reviews on the issues of fine art, music, theatre, and cinematography.

Беларускі каляндар, 2009 г. / Belarusian calendar. 2009.

CD-ROM contains information on significant and memorable dates which will be observed in Belarus in 2009.

Библиотеки агрогородков как объект “Государственной программы возрождения и развития села на 2005–2010 гг.” / Agrarian villages’ libraries as a subject of the “State program of revival and development of villages for 2005 – 2010”

CD-ROM contains materials on urgent issues of the modern state and prospects of the development of agrarian villages’ libraries of the Republic of Belarus.

Інфармацыйная прадукцыя навуковых бібліятэк і Нацыянальнай кніжнай палаты Беларусі на 2008 г. / Information scientific products of scientific libraries and National Book Chamber of Belarus for 2008

CD-RM contains data on information products of scientific libraries and National Book Chamber of Belarus for 2008: databases and printed and electronic publications containing bibliographical, factual, and combined information.

Нормативно-правовое обеспечение деятельности библиотек / Legal regulation of libraries’ activity

CD-ROM contains texts of laws, resolutions, regulations, and other standard legal acts concerning Belarusian libraries’ activity.

"Жыве паміж намі дудар наш...": да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Вінцэнта Дуніна-Марцінкевіча (1808–1884) / DVD-ROM dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Vincent Dunin-Martsinkevich (1808-1884)

DVD-ROM dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Vincent Dunin-Martsinkevich, the eminent Belarusian poet, dramatist, classical writer of Belarusian literature which is celebrated in 2008 under the aegis of UNESCO.

Radziviliana: дакументальныя помнікі з фондаў Нацыянальнай бібліятэкі Беларусі / Radziviliana: materials from the NLB’s collections

CD-ROM contains full text electronic copies of works by Radzivil noble family published in the 17th – 18th centuries: the eminent work by Nicolay Christopher Sirotka “Peregrination” in Latin, Polish, and Russian languages, and “Comedies and Tragedies” by Ursula Radzivil.

Subject plan for 2007

Актуальныя праблемы культуры i мастацтва. 2007 г. / The urgent issues of culture and art. 2007.

CD-ROM is a digital version of informational and analytical collected articles “Urgent issues of culture and art” in Russian and Belarusian languages. It includes over 100 review and abstract publications on the urgent issues of culture in Belarus and abroad.

Актуальныя праблемы культуры і мастацтва. 2001–2006 гг.: інфармацыйна-аналітычны зборнік / The urgent issues of culture and art. 2001-2006: informational and analytical collected articles

CD-ROM is a digital version of informational and analytical collected articles “Urgent issues of culture and art” in Russian and Belarusian languages. It includes over 100 review and abstract publications on the urgent issues of culture in Belarus and abroad

Асноўныя службовыя дакументы Міністэрства культуры Рэспублікі Беларусь. 2005–2006 гг. / Main in-house documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. 2005-2006.

CD-ROM contains the in-house documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus published in a given time.

Беларускі каляндар, 2007 год / Belarusian Calendar. 2007.

CD-ROM contains information on significant and memorable dates of Belarusian calendar. The publication is based on the NLB’s database “Belarus in persons and events” and information from encyclopedias and other reference publications.

Беларускі каляндар. 2008 г. / Belarusian Calendar. 2008.

CD-ROM contains information on significant and memorable dates observed in Belarus in 2008.The publication is based on the NLB’s database “Belarus in persons and events”.

Інкунабулы ў фондзе Нацыянальнай бібліятэкі Беларусі: каталог / Incunabula in the collections of the National Library of Belarus: A catalog

CD-ROM includes a complete scientific description of the NLB’s collection of materials published in the 15th century. Among them – the first editions of works by antique and medieval authors from 1471 to 1495.

Публічныя бібліятэкі на пачатку XXI ст. / Public libraries at the beginning of the 21st century

CD-ROM contains analytical materials on the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus public libraries’ activity as well as publications by experts of National Library of Belarus.

Роль библиотек и информации в устойчивом развитии общества: материалы международной научно-практической конференции (25–27 октября 2005 г., Минск) / The role of libraries and information in the sustainable development of society: materials of the International scientific and practical conference (October 25-27, 2005, Minsk)

CD-ROM contains papers deliveredat the International scientific and practical conference (October 25-27, 2005, Minsk).

Национальные коммуникативные форматы BelMarc для библиографических и авторитетных данных / National communicative formats BelMarc for bibliographical and authority data

CD-ROM presents 2 formats of BELMARC system, version 2006: BELMARC/B – a format for bibliographical records and BELMARC/A (Authorities) – a format for authority records. BELMARC system formats are designed for a uniform presentation of bibliographical and authority data.

Программа ЮНЕСКО "Память мира": деятельность библиотек, архивов, музеев по сохранению культурного наследия / The UNESCO Program “Memory of the World”: libraries, archives, and museums activity on cultural heritage safekeeping

CD-ROM contains about 30 papers and reports by participants of the International conference “UNESCO Program “Memory of the World”: libraries, archives, and museums activity on cultural heritage safekeeping” (November 30 – December 1, 2006, Minsk) dedicated to the issues of international cooperation between libraries, archives, and museums in the field of the mutual use of cultural heritage.

Спадчына Напалеона Орды (з фондаў Нацыянальнай бібліятэкі Беларусі) / Napoleon Orda’s Heritage (from the collections of the National Library of Belarus)

CD-ROM contains an electronic collection of the heritage of Napoleon Orda, the eminent Belarusian artist, composer, musician, pedagogue, and public figure.CD-ROM includes electronic copies of materials from the NLB’s collections, lithographs by N. Orda, electronic full text copy of “Grammar” by the author, and numerous illustrations.The publication is designed for researchers of Belarusian culture, artists, musicians, and everyone who is interested in Belarusian history and culture.

Строительство нового здания Национальной библиотеки Беларуси в документах. Приложение 1 / Construction of the new building of the National Library of Belarus in documents. Part 1

CD-ROM contains standard, legal, administrative, and in-house documents concerning designing and construction of the new building of National Library of Belarus. The publication contains over 100 documents and represents the main resolutions of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Belarus, administrative bodies, ministries and departments, and organizations in the field of construction of the Library’s building.

Строительство нового здания Национальной библиотеки Беларуси в фотодокументах. Приложение 2 / Construction of the new building of the National Library of Belarus in documents. Part 2

CD-ROM contains over 400 photos dedicated to construction and exploitation of National Library of Belarus’ new building.

Электронная бібліятэка – школьнікам: хрэстаматыя / The electronic library for schoolchildren: reading-book

CD-ROM contains full text works by Belarusian and Russian writers studied at senior school.

Миссия библиотеки в формировании интеллектуального потенциала общества: материалы международной научно-практической конференции (4–6 декабря 2006 г., Минск) / The mission of a library in the development of intellectual potential of society: materials of the International scientific and practical conference (December 4-6, 2006, Minsk)

CD-ROM contains over 80 papers and reports read at the International scientific and practical conference "Mission of a library in the development of intellectual potential of society” (December 4-6, 2006, Minsk). The conference was dedicated to the opening of National Library of Belarus’ new building.

Electronic editions 2006

Асноўныя службовыя дакументы Міністэрства культуры Рэспублікі Беларусь. 2005 год. / Main in-house documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. 2005.

The CD-ROM contains the in-house documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus published in a given time.

Беларускі каляндар, 2006 год / Belarusian Calendar. 2006.

The publication is based on the NLB’s database “Belarus in persons and events”. The most significant publications are supplied with graphic, textual, and bibliographical information.

Інфармацыйная прадукцыя навуковых бібліятэк і Нацыянальнай кніжнай палаты Беларусі на 2006 год / Information products of scientific libraries and the National Book Chamber of Belarus for 2006

CD-RM contains data on information products for 2006: databases and printed and electronic publications containing bibliographical, factual, and combined information.

Інфармацыйная прадукцыя навуковых бібліятэк і Нацыянальнай кніжнай палаты Беларусі на 2007 год / Information products of scientific libraries and the National Book Chamber of Belarus for 2007

The CD-RM contains data on information products of scientific libraries and National Book Chamber of Belarus for 2007: databases and printed and electronic publications containing bibliographical, factual, and combined information.

Кніга Беларусі. 1517–1917: зводны каталог / The book of Belarus. 1517-1917: a summary catalog

The CD-ROM is a new electronic edition of a summary catalog “Book of Belarus” (Minsk, 1986) and includes three sections: Cyrillic incunabula of the 16th – 18th centuries; publications in Belarusian language of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries; publications in Russian language of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. CD-ROM contains publications from collections and museums of Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden, the USA, and other countries.

Концептуальные основы развития Национальной библиотеки Беларуси как республиканского информационного и социокультурного центра. / Conceptual basis of the development of the National Library of Belarus as the republican information, social and cultural center

The CD-ROM contains the basic conceptual documents defining the ways of development of National Library of Belarus as the republican information, social and cultural center.

Матэрыялы кнігазнаўчых чытанняў / Materials of bibliological conferences

The CD-ROM is the electronic version of publications of collected materials of the First (1988) and the Second (2000) bibliographical conferences held by National Library of Belarus.

Новая літаратура па культуры і мастацтву Беларусі. 2006 год. / New literature on culture and art of Belarus. 2006: bibliography

СD-ROM (in Belarusian and Russian languages, 4 quarter issues per year) contains information on new publications dedicated to the theory, history, and modern state of culture and art of Belarus (books, monographs, collected scientific papers, dissertations, authors’ abstracts of dissertations, and articles).

Социологические исследования в библиотеке: теоретический и практический аспект / Sociological researches in the library: theoretical and practical angles

CD-ROM contains recommendations on preparation and holding of sociological researches in a library, examination of the main stages, and analysis of methods and processes of an application sociological study.

Чернобыль / Chernobyl

CD-ROM is an electronic version of the bibliography "Chernobyl” developed by the National Library of Belarus from 1993 to 2005. CD-ROM contains information on over 22 thousand materials published between 1991 and 2003 in any language, in any country and on any media: books (monographs, collected works, reference publications, statistics, theses of reports and materials of conferences and symposiums); dissertations (since 1994) and authors’ abstracts of dissertations; periodicals; reviews; map materials; music, reproductions; electronic publications; chapters and sections from books and collected works; articles from journals and newspapers (till 1995).