MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryArchive of electronic editions, 2000–2005

Archive of electronic editions, 2000–2005

Асноўныя службовыя дакументы Міністэрства культуры Рэспублікі Беларусь 2000–2004 гг. / The main in-house documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. 2004-2005.

The CD-ROM includes the main in-house documents of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus for five years: orders, resolutions of collegiums and other administrative documents. The edition is designed to provide cultural organizations and institutions with branch normative-regulating documents.

Новая літаратура па культуры і мастацтву 2005 г.

Новая літаратура па культуры і мастацтву 2005 г. / New literature on culture and art, 2005

The electronic bibliography includes information about books, monographs, brochures, scientific collections, materials of conferences, dissertations and authors’ abstracts of dissertations. Also it contains data on articles from collections, serials and periodicals concerning Belarusian history and the current state of culture and art of Belarus for 2005. The CD-ROM presents information about more than 12,5 thousand publications. The most part of bibliographic records are annotated.

Национальная библиотека Беларуси

Национальная библиотека Беларуси / the National Library of Belarus

The CD-ROM contains information about the activities of the National Library of Belarus. It covers the history of the library, its current state and the prospects of development.

Концептуальные основы развития Национальной библиотеки Беларуси как республиканского информационного и социокультурного центра

Концептуальные основы развития Национальной библиотеки Беларуси как республиканского информационного и социокультурного центра / The concept of development of the National Library of Belarus as a republican information, social and cultural center

The edition presents the basic conceptual documents concerning the development of the National Library of Belarus as a republican information, social and cultural center.

Беларусь у Вялікай Айчыннай вайне (1941–1945)

Беларусь у Вялікай Айчыннай вайне (1941–1945) / Belarus during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

The CD-ROM includes bibliographies published by the National Library of Belarus between 1980 and 1996. It contains data on monographs, authors’ abstracts of dissertations, memoirs, popular scientific literature, chapters from books, collected works, articles from journals and other sources in Russian, Belarusian, and foreign languages. Documents cover the period from 1941 to 1994. The edition also contains digitized newspapers, leaflets, posters from the NLB’s collections and links to Internet resources dedicated to the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

Беларускі каляндар, 2004–2005 гг. / Belarusian calendar, 2004–2005

The CD-ROM includes a list of significant anniversary dates: anniversaries of the eminent Belarusian scientists, cultural workers, economists, public figures etc.; dates of the most significant historical events; natural objects, scientists and educational institutions, cultural institutions, enterprises etc.

Беларускі танцавальны фальклор (з фондаў Нацыянальнай бібліятэкі Беларусі) / Belarusian folk dances (from the collections of the National Library of Belarus)

The CD-ROM contains music to 21 Belarusian folk dances. The most popular are: “Lyavonikha:, “Bulba”, “Yurachka”, “Kryzhachok”, polkas “Vesyalukha”, “Krakavyak” and other.

Бібліятэка. Дзеці. Кніга / Library. Children. Book.

The CD-ROM includes analytical materials about the user service in Belarusian children’s libraries, and also methodological and bibliographical recommendations on Belarusian fiction, prevention of deviant behavior of children and young adults etc.
The edition is designed for librarians, students and university professors.

Издания петровского времени: книги гражданской печати (1708–1725) / Editions of Peter the Great’s epoch: civil books (1708-1725)

The catalog of civil books published in Peter the Great’s epoch includes descriptions of books in the collections of the National Library of Belarus. Book descriptions are made by using the method de visu. The catalog includes descriptions of 12 editions in 11 book-covers (13 items), published by Moscow and Saint-Petersburg printing-houses in 1710–1726.
The CD-ROM is designed for library and museum employees, historians, philologists and all who are interested in the history of book culture.

История раннего христианства / The history of early Christianity

The CD-ROM is the electronic bibliography which includes literature on the history of early Christianity (1–8 centuries) in Russian and Belarusian languages and published between 1800 and 1995. The sources are kept in the biggest libraries of Belarus: the National Library of Belarus, the Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, and the Fundamental Library of the Belarusian State University.
The bibliography is designed for librarians, researchers, university professors, post-graduates, and also all who are interested in the history of early Christianity.

Літаратурная спадчына Беларусі, ХІ – сярэдзіна ХХ стагоддзя = Литературное наследие Беларуси, XI – середина ХХ века = Literary Heritage of Belarus, XI – middle XX century

The CD-ROM includes materials from the stocks of the National Library of Belarus and consists of two sections: “Ancient Belarusian literature, the 11th – early 17th centuries” and “New Belarusian literature, the late 17th – middle 20th centuries”.

Нарматыўна-прававое забеспяченне дзейнасці бібліятэк / Legal regulation of library activity

The CD-ROM contains full texts of laws, resolutions, regulations, and other standard legal acts concerning the activity of Belarusian libraries. Documents are classified by chronology. The full-text part of the CD-ROM is completed with a list of legal acts concerning the library activity.

Публічныя бібліятэкі ў кантэксце часу / Public libraries in the contest of time

The CD-ROM contains analytical materials on the current activity of Belarusian public libraries, and also scientific and methodological recommendations on the fulfillment of their priority tasks.

Старажытная паштоўка ХІХ – пачатку ХХ ст. з краявідамі Беларусі / The old postcard of the 19th – early 20th centuries with Belarusian landscapes

The edition contains a collection of old Belarusian postcards from the stocks of the National Library of Belarus. The collection includes 243 postcards with the pictures of Belarusian towns (streets, buildings, castles, monuments), published in Belarus and abroad in 1900–1916. The postcards will be interesting to historians, students of local lore, architects, restorers, artists and all who are interested in the history of Belarus.


Сучасныя інфармацыйныя тэхналогіі і сацыяльная значнасць бібліятэк / Modern information technologies and social significance of libraries

The CD-ROM includes materials of the International scientific and practical conference “Modern information technologies and social significance of libraries” (October 29–30, 2003).

Шлях да Перамогі: песні ваенных гадоў з фондаў Нацыянальнай бібліятэкі Беларусі да 60-годдзя вызвалення Беларусі ад фашысцкіх захопнікаў / The way to the Victory: the wartime songs from the collections of the National Library of Belarus, timed to the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi occupants

The CD-ROM contains the wartime songs loved by different generations of listeners.